Xeikon installs Wall Decoration Suite at K&L Wall Art

Xeikon installs Wall Decoration Suite at K&L Wall Art

Print quality and output speed for printing wallpaper, posters and other wall decorations are pivotal for the Berlin-based print services provider

It all started with computer-cut wall tattoos. Now, eleven years later, K&L Wall Art is one of the leading e-commerce platforms for personalised wall designs.

The company produces home accessories at its 1,500 squaremeter facility in Berlin, exclusively using digital technology. In May 2018, the company added Xeikon’s wallpaper system, the Wall Decoration Suite, to its production portfolio, including a Xeikon 8500 single-pass digital duplex printer.

- We needed to act, since we were no longer able to meet the demand for digitally printed wallpaper with our previous latex printers whilst remaining competitive. If you take a good look at the market, only Xeikon remains as a reliable and experienced supplier of digital wallpaper solutions, explains Alexander Kunze, Managing Director at K&L Wall Art.

The decision to purchase the Xeikon solution was driven primarily by K&L Wall Art’s expansion beyond personalised wallpaper for consumers to include a B2B customer base. Large companies, interior designers and shipyards not only request individual items, but often order larger quantities of up to 3,000 pieces.

Kunze calculates that he is able to print five times faster with the new Xeikon machine than with two or three latex printers. This provides a huge boost to the company’s ability to meet the growing demand for digital wallpaper across all customer segments.

In addition, the Xeikon wallpaper system offers a complete solution that includes all upstream and downstream units. All configurations of Xeikon’s Wall Decoration Suite include a jumbo unwinder and a specially developed wallpaper rewinder with cutter and remover.

This enables the production of a fully finished wallpaper roll in a single operation. The suite is powered by the industry-leading X-800 digital front-end that offers numerous productivity and colour management features to ensure high colour stability and a high level of printed output reproducibility.

- What really impressed us about the Xeikon wallpaper solution is that it has been thoroughly thought out, from A to Z. We do not require any additional machines for assembly, and a single operator can easily operate the machine, Kunze confirms.

- At Xeikon, we strongly believe in bringing our customers best-of-class solutions that can improve their productivity and profitability, said Dimitri Van Gaever, Business Development Manager at Xeikon.

- K&L Wall Art is a great example of a company looking beyond just the press to a total solution that offers a streamlined workflow. This holistic approach is the best way for printing companies to further develop their businesses and better serve a growing customer base.

K&L Wall Art: Up-to-Date Technology

K&L Wall Art’s core business is wall decorations with wall tattoos, wall designs, wallpaper, posters, glass paintings, canvases and decorative letters. In total, the company offers more than 30,000 items.

In addition, this print services provider holds licenses for about 50 well-known brands, including FC Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, the German national football team and many other Bundesliga clubs, as well as Asterix & Obelix, Porsche Design, and Diddle.

The company employs about 50 staff, 23 of which are production experts. Most of the others work in IT, graphic design and marketing.

After Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where K&L Wall Art already has a high profile, its international business is focused on local language Wall Art platforms in England, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Italy, the USA and Canada. Currently, the highest growth markets in terms of orders are France, Italy and England.


17/12 2018
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