Personaliserede produkter i detailhandelen

Personaliserede produkter i detailhandelen

Roland DG announces that cotodesign, an innovative design and print management software package which allows retailers to offer customers a unique in-store experience with the possibility to personalise a wide range of products, is now compatible with more Roland DG devices than ever before

Cotodesign offers an intuitive customer-facing interface for on-demand product personalisation, even in small retail environments such as kiosks and department store concessions, or at pop-ups and events.

Tailored to their brand, product range and market segment, retailers can differentiate themselves from their competitors by providing consumers with a positive interactive shopping experience.

Paul Willems, Head of Business Development and Product Management, Roland DG EMEA, comments:

- Roland’s personalisation solutions are used by retailers and brands across the globe to offer their customers an engaging experience which drives footfall and ultimately profits. Consumer demand for personalised products continues to grow and cotodesign takes product personalisation to the next level by putting the power in the hands of the consumers themselves.

Personalisation made by customers 

In just a few minutes customers can take home their unique personalised item. Customers use the intuitive interface on in-store tablets to select the product they want to personalise and choose from a range of design templates.

By connecting to the store’s wi-fi network they can upload their own photos or images from their mobile devices to create a truly unique item. cotodesign software is fully integrated with a selection of Roland DG’s compact and intuitive devices which quickly and safely image the customer’s design onto their chosen product as soon as the order is placed.

The solution is incredibly easy to use and to integrate into a range of retail environments, with a fast learning curve for store staff. Items to personalise include T-shirts, caps, tote bags, jewellery, posters, stickers, smartphone cases, stationery, gifts and more.

cotodesign supports a wide range of Roland devices 

cotodesign is compatible with an extended range of benchtop and desktop devices from Roland. The list includes VersaUV LEF series of UV-LED inkjet printers, which can add colour and texture to a huge range of items; the VersaSTUDIO BT-12 direct-to-garment printer for the on-demand decoration of cotton T-shirts and accessories; the VersaSTUDIO BN-20 printer/cutter, designed for stickers, labels, heat transfers for apparel and more; the DGSHAPE LD-80 laser decorator, for luxury foil decoration; the METAZA MPX-95 metal engraving machine – perfect for adding personalised text and images to plaques, jewellery and trophies; and the compact CAMM-1 GS-24 vinyl cutter, used across the world for the production of decals, stickers and heat transfers. 

A new business opportunity 

cotodesign is the ideal solution for businesses of all sizes; from major retailers to small and independent businesses seeking new ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors and is also used by leading brands for the mass customisation of jewellery, cosmetics packaging and more. 

cotodesign can be also used by signmakers, promotional items companies and printing services to offer a tailored service during events, exhibitions or shows.


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