Italiensk supermarkedskæde indfører Paptic-poser
Indkøbsposer af træbaserede cellulosefibre er et miljøvenligt alternativ til plast og kan både genbruges og genanvendes. Nu går supermarkedskæden Todis foran med indførelsen af emballagen i mere end 200 butikker. På engelsk:
The wood-fibre-based Paptic material replaces plastics in packaging without compromising on functionalities
Chiara Zaccardini, Responsible for home and personal care and consumables, Todis, Iges S.r.l. UNIPERSONALE says:
-The bags made of Paptic material are a new, sustainable addition to our bag offering to our customers to pack their shopping in. Until now, we have been trying to find the perfect material to meet our needs for a reusable and recyclable bag. First, we planned to use a traditional paper bag, but because we also sell refrigerated food, we need a material that would not break when in contact with wet and frozen products. Therefore, the moisture-resistant Paptic material is a perfect choice for our purpose.
Diego Caviola, Business Development from Paptic Ltd adds:
-We are incredibly excited about the cooperation with Todis. Paptic materials’ unique properties, such as flexibility, tear, and moisture resistance, come into their own rights in carrier bags. The flexibility and strength properties of the material allow the bags to be reused multiple times, as they are easy to fold to fit into your pocket.
20 % less raw material
With Paptic materials, you can choose lower grammages for carrier bags which means
improved resource efficiency in comparison with traditional kraft paper. In this case, in the new bag made of Paptic, 20 percent less raw material was used than in a common paper bag.
Paptic is a wood-fibre-based material to replace plastics in packaging. The lightweight and heat-sealable material is soft yet durable, and with excellent puncture and tear resistance properties. These unique properties allow you to choose a lighter square mass for your packaging.
Only FSC-certified wood
Paptic material is a combination of sustainability and functionality.
The distinctive touch and feel of the material give the packaging, e.g., carrier bags, e-commerce mailers, and flexible packaging, a high-quality finish. Only wood fibres sourced from sustainably managed forests are used in the production and the material is FSC® certified. After use, packaging made of Paptic can be easily recycled with paper packaging and carton boards.
- In Europe, the recycling rate is 82 percent, which is significantly higher compared to the recycling rate of plastics, which ranges between 10-30 percent. After recycling, the fibres from Paptic material are used as a raw material to new fibre-based packaging solutions over multiple life cycles,”says Katja Jokiaho, Chief Sales Officer, Paptic Ltd.