News Advisory HP Indigo Transforms High-Definition Print Experiences

News Advisory HP Indigo Transforms High-Definition Print Experiences

HP Indigo 12000 HD Digital Press expands opportunities for professional photography and commercial print businesses

HP Inc. recently announced growing adoption of the flagship HP Indigo 12000 HD digital printing technology, with more than 100 presses chosen by print service providers worldwide to deliver breakthrough digital print quality for commercial and  professional photography, further accelerating the digital print transformation.

HP print providers around the world can benefit from the HP Indigo 12000 HD Digital Press, opening new digital business opportunities in professional and wedding photo printing, as well as upscale commercial and gallery applications using the industry’s widest range of print applications, substrates and inks.

- The HP Indigo 12000 HD offers new growth opportunities through higher value, higher margin prints, along with the productivity and automation needed for customers to streamline operations and stay competitive, said Alon Bar-Shany, general manager, HP Indigo, HP Inc.

- HP Indigo digital printing allows for customers to also help reduce their environmental footprint and reduce waste with on-demand prrter runs for print applications.

The B2 sheetfed HP Indigo 12000 HD digital press achieves outstanding smoothness and sharpness using the HP Indigo HD Imaging System, a high-definition writing head that doubles print resolution and surpasses offset quality with an extended array of screening capabilities. More than 750 units of Indigo’s B2 sheet-fed platform are already installed, including the Indigo 10000, Indigo 12000 and now Indigo 12000 HD.

Any HP Indigo 12000 digital press can upgrade to HD technology offering a range of LPI screens – 220LPI, 250LPI and 290LPI. The HDFM screen mode, available on the HP Indigo 12000 HD, uses randomly-placed, smaller printing dots to create a new level of sharpness, ideal for applications with detailed images.

- HP remains the clear leader in commercial printer-friendly B2 format production digital printing systems for commercial print, said Mark Hanley, president of IT Strategies.

- The Indigo 12000 HD system sustains commercial printers in evolving the strong-growth high-value print markets among commercial printers which are becoming the base for a future of fully demand-customized print communications. Indigo’s print performance parity with offset print continues to set the digital standard.

Customers expand possibilities with HP Indigo 12000 HD

Global print service providers include District Photo, Druckverlag Kettler, Duggal Visual Solutions, Jinan Double 100 Photo, Pureprint, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD), and Suvi Color Lab.

District Photo of the US has an extensive fleet of HP Indigo digital printing presses, including the HP Indigo 12000 HD, has made the brand one of the largest digital print companies in the world.

- We are constantly looking for ways to enhance the quality of our solutions, and investing in state-of-the-art equipment like the HP Indigo 12000 HD has allowed us to print beautiful quality work at a massive scale, said Benjamin Lamparter, vide president of operations at District Photo.



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