Fokus på prepress

Fokus på prepress

At the IFRA World Publishing Expo 2018 Agfa Graphics will focus on how its ECO³ prepress solutions can make newspaper printers’ operations more economical, ecological and convenient

Agfa Graphics’ ECO³ initiative has met with significant success in the commercial print market since its introduction. The company has now applied the same principles to newspaper production, making it more ecological and cost-effective, with systems that are easier to operate and maintain.

ECO³ responds to today’s newspaper printing challenges

- We keep a close watch on trends in newspaper printing, says Rainer Kirschke, Market Manager Newspapers at Agfa Graphics.

- We see how newspapers integrate their prepress and press departments, reduce costs and optimally use production capacity, while also taking a more ecological approach to business. In practice, these changes require a reduced equipment footprint, highly streamlined processes, even to the point of unattended production, in addition to less waste and machine maintenance, and the wider deployment of presses. We invest in solutions that cater to these needs and help newspaper printers remain profitable.

The ECO³ offering consists of numerous software, hardware and consumable solutions that bring value to a newspaper printer’s operations. At the IFRA World Publishing Expo, the focus will lie on the recently launched Avatar V-ZH printing plate and the Attiro ZH clean-out unit, in addition to the latest release of the Arkitex Production workflow and RIP software.

Avatar V-ZH printing plates & Attiro ZH clean-out unit

The chemistry-free Avatar V-ZH is a stable, linear plate that requires no pre-heating unit, thus reducing printers’ CAPEX and energy consumption while saving them floor space. It also decreases start-up time and waste during make-ready, and is characterized by its very high image contrast after clean-out, daylight compatibility, high scratch resistance, and outstanding robustness on press. It can be used with either conventional or UV inks.

Avatar V-ZH forms a very attractive combination with the new high-speed clean-out unit Attiro ZH, which stands out by virtue of its minimal gum consumption, extensive bath life, and low and easy maintenance.

Arkitex Production RIP v12 and Arkitex Production workflow 3.0

At Agfa Graphics’ booth, visitors will get a demo of the latest releases of Agfa Graphics’ market-leading plate production workflow and RIP software.

Arkitex Production v3 includes a number of key features that improve pressroom operation, simplify planning and make the workflow more flexible for newspaper printers of all sizes:

  • Clear overview of jobs – A clear overview of the upcoming plates and their status makes it easier for platemaking and pressroom to focus on what is needed for the next press run.
  • Perfect print results – The software helps achieve perfect registration as it compensates for fan-out, the undesirable expansion of paper on the press when imaging the plate.
  • Simplified planning – Plate marks can now be placed based on logic, which is especially useful when printing e.g fake spreads. Furniture, such as color bars between pages, can be set to appear only when pages do not extend into the page gutter. This kind of automation simplifies the plate design and planning process.
  • Time gain – The improved plate ordering logic allows the printer to image plates in defined groups and a specific order within those groups. This way, platemaking and press operators get stacks of plates that are ready to mount on press without requiring time-consuming manual sorting.

Arkitex Production v3 is unique in uniting all of these features in a single system. Deployed as cloud solution it allows printers of all sizes to lower both capital and IT costs.

Arkitex Production RIP v12 launches at WPE as well. This new release supports PDF 2.0, which is especially relevant for newspaper printers that need to process PDF files from external parties.

IFRA World Publishing Expo 2018 (9-11 October, Berlin)

Visit Agfa Graphics at the IFRA World Publishing Expo: Hall 21a, F.02.

8/10 2018
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