Bobsts globale support sørger for lokal service i SkandinavienKarim El-Jamal, Technical Service Manager Bobst Group Scandinavia (til højre) og hans team.

Bobsts globale support sørger for lokal service i Skandinavien

Leverandøren af udstyr til emballageindustrien, Bobst, er kendt for sit omfattende servicenetværk, der omfatter mere end 50 enheder over hele verden. Et eksempel er Bobst Group Scandinavia, som har leveret lokal service og support til kunder i regionen i mange år (på engelsk)

For print and packaging companies, effective service and support is essential in order to maintain the highest level of productivity, achieve predictable outcomes, and eliminate unplanned maintenance costs.

Knowing that an equipment supplier has a local team of service engineers standing by is often a crucial factor in important investment decisions.

In today’s highly competitive packaging market, converters are under constant pressure from customers who demand quicker turnarounds, consistent and high quality, shorter job runs, and more sustainable processes.

It is therefore critical that their BOBST machines are kept in optimal condition, their operators are well-trained, and their workflows are fully optimized.

Leading the way in Scandinavia
With a strong presence in Scandinavia, BOBST continues to deliver best-in-class customer service and support, as well as training, to enable them to maximize opportunities in packaging production.

The unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction has made Bobst Group Scandinavia (BGS) a trusted partner for more than 100 businesses across the region, which covers Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland.

BGS is headed up by Technical Service Manager Karim El-Jamal, who joined the company last year. Bringing deep technical knowledge and operational expertise from the aviation industry, he is now working to further develop and expand the entity.

Guided by BOBST’s global vision for the future of the packaging industry, which rests on the principles of automation, digitalization, connectivity and sustainability, BGS works in collaboration with the management team at Bobst UK & Ireland to achieve their goals.

- The packaging market is very dynamic and it’s a very exciting space to be in, but the pace is fast, so we work proactively with local customers to continually increase their efficiencies and boost production outcomes, said El-Jamal.

- We do this by leveraging the capabilities of our expert technical support team, as well as implementing comprehensive process optimization programs and preventive maintenance control measures, all backed up by dedicated resources of the global BOBST organization.

Remote support and process optimization
Effective communication and quick resolution of problems are some of the key components in any good supplier-customer partnership.

In addition to having expert local engineers on-call, for BOBST this means investing heavily in remote support capabilities that benefit customers in many ways.

- Over time, we have found that 80% of troubleshooting can be done remotely by our technical team, and that helps customers enormously because it minimizes any downtime and costs for them, so it is an invaluable tool.” He added, “But then when they need on-site support, we are never far away.

In order to further protect valuable production time and each customer’s investment, BOBST offers a preventive maintenance program designed to ensure highest equipment readiness and to extend the longevity of each machine.

- By subscribing to BOBST Maintenance Plus or Premium service programs, our Scandinavian customers are able to better plan their production schedule and budget for regular maintenance. This means they can avoid unplanned stops that will affect their commitments to their customers, as well as unexpected spikes in costs that impinge on the budget, explained El-Jamal.

- Taking a more holistic view, we also offer Process Optimization where we work with our customers on a more strategic level based on their specific needs, he continued.

By analyzing the whole workflow, the BGS team can gain a very detailed understanding of each process and the end products, so they can help their customers increase efficiencies and productivity by reducing makeready times, cutting out waste, and decreasing operating costs.

Building partnerships with customers
Having a local presence in every region of the world is important for BOBST on many levels, not least because it helps build direct partnerships with customers.

With the main office in Denmark, BGS has recently moved into new premises in a more strategic location close to the center of Copenhagen and the international airport, an investment aimed at fostering even better connections with Scandinavian BOBST customers.

- Good customer service is all about being available, and it’s important to be able to communicate in the local language and to understand local culture and customs. That all helps to strengthen those personal customer relationships that underpin each and every machine installation, said El-Jamal with emphasis.

- Even when dealing with global packaging groups, we have found that each individual site will make its own investment decisions, so it is vital to have those local connections with the people on the ground.

In conclusion, by offering a high level of personalized local service and having a base in the region, BOBST is able to provide Scandinavian customers with the support and expertise they need to succeed in the very competitive packaging and label industry.




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