Vejemaskine hjælper frosne produkter ud i verden

Vejemaskine hjælper frosne produkter ud i verden

Ishidas RV-vejemaskine med multihoved har hjulpet den ungarnske producent af frosne fødevarer til at øge kapacitete og opnår succes på eksportmarkedet (på engelsk)

Founded in 1981, Mirelite Mirsa Co Ltd specialises in the manufacturing and distribution of a wide range of deep frozen fruit, vegetables and pastry products. Its cold storage plant began operating a few years later, in the city of Albertirsa close to Budapest, and since 2003, the company has been running solely under Hungarian ownership.

Mirelite Mirsa’s extensive range of products includes 40 different vegetables, 16 types of fruit, 18 pastries, various dry herbs and a variety of vegetable mixes and ready-to-serve dishes. The majority of its products are sourced from local Hungarian farmers.

The company, which uses modern technology in the course of its manufacturing and packaging processes, recently purchased a top-of-the-range Ishida CCW-RV multihead weigher.The purchase continued a strong working partnership between Ishida and Mirelite Mirsa that dates back to the company’s purchase of its first Ishida weigher, a CCW-NZ-214, back in 1999. This machine continues to operate reliably and is one of five models now installed at Mirelite Mirsa’s factory in Albertirsa, with another three in operation at its factory near Budapest.

The new Ishida CCW-RV-214 is being used to pack the company’s huge range of frozen vegetables and fruits. It has the flexibility to handle target weights from as little as 10g to as much as 1kg with just one multihead weigher whilst consistently achieving. Levels of accuracy to within 0.3g on 10g packs of dill and 2g for 400g bags of vegetables.


The CCW-RV-214 is operating in conjunction with a GEA bagmaker, working two eight-hour shifts. By using Ishida multihead weighers, the company can now meet customers’ requirements by offering paper bags, cartons and octabines for bulk goods as well as polyethylene bags from 200g up to 2500g for the retail, hotel and restaurant market.

Mirelite Mirsa reports that the introduction of the new weigher has improved overall efficiency levels by around 25% whilst for its best-selling lines, such as 400g bags of green peas and corn kernels, efficiency ( in single shift operation) has increased by 35%.

Reliability has also been excellent, with no problems since the machine was installed in 2014. Set-up procedures are very simple, and a thorough clean after each shift takes just 25 minutes.

A second Ishida weigher at Mirelite Mirsa provides further evidence of the sophistication of Ishida technology. The machine incorporates special parent and child software that provides both weighing and counting functions in a single machine, with the weigher capable of depositing a single fresh tomato into bags of frozen mixed vegetables.

- We have always used Ishida weighers, so there was no question that we would look to the company again to help us meet our latest packaging requirements, explains Dr. Viktor Loso, Director of Mirelite Mirsa.

- The new RV is the perfect machine. It is extremely user-friendly, reliable and accurate, with the ability to continue to work over long production runs without any operator intervention. In particular, the fact that a single weigher can handle such a wide variety of target weights is of huge benefit to us, and enables us to react very quickly to customer orders.

In response to its continued success in exporting to Europe, the company has increased the volume of products it distributes to overseas and Central-European countries. This means that half of its annual production is at present being sold to export markets.

Mirelite Mirsa’s technological improvements have enabled it to expand, becoming a major supplier to supermarkets throughout Eastern Europe and exporting to a staggering 66 countries worldwide.

As well as its major export programme, the company has launched a novel marketing initiative in Hungary to target the younger generation, with company-branded vans attending food festivals to provide cooking demonstrations with its own product.

- With this ambitious expansion programme, we needed to increase capacity and our latest investment in the Ishida weigher has been instrumental in enabling us to achieve this, explains Dr Loso.

The weigher is part of a bespoke installation carried out in partnership with Ishida’s Hungarian distributor, Master Quality. The installation also includes a special feeding and distribution system and a weigher access and support gantry.

The line went in smoothly, in just two weeks, and Master Quality and Ishida also carried out extensive operator training to help Mirelite achieve and maintain the excellent line performance.

- The machine works consistently day-in, day-out, and the support we have received from Master Quality and Ishida in terms of machine maintenance, service engineers’ visits and spare parts supply has been impeccable, Dr Loso concludes.

- Thanks to the successful cooperation between Mirelite, Ishida and Master Quality, the customer is currently considering investing in inspection technology to guarantee both food safety and quality.


7/3 2017
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