Nilpeter etablerer ny produktion i Asien
Nilpeter’s new facility in Mahindra World City, Chennai, India houses state-of-the-art manufacturing and assembly lines inspired by the open layout of Company Headquarters in Denmark.

Nilpeter etablerer ny produktion i Asien

Nilpeter opens a new, state-of-the-art manufacturing and development facility in Mahindra World City, Chennai, India, to expand on the company’s current global setup. The manufacturing site in India will complement the current sites in Denmark and the United States

With a stronger presence in India, Nilpeter is able to provide fast service and support to all customers in the region. Moreover, the new Technology Center facilitates the perfect conditions for press demonstrations and trials for customers and strategic industry partners.

An example of contemporary industrial design
- 2018 marks the 10th year of operations for Nilpeter India, and we are delighted to celebrate the occasion by moving into brand new facilities, says Alan Barretto, Managing Director, Nilpeter India Pvt Ltd. 

- The new factory is located in Mahindra World City, 35 km south of Chennai on the south east coast of India, approximately 45 minutes from Chennai International Airport. The 3,500 sqm modern building houses manufacturing and assembly lines, R&D environment, Customer Care Center, and a large Technology Center. If we choose to expand, the land area also allows for additional expansion over time, Alan Barretto adds.

Increased manufacturing capacity and market reach
- The new facility will house over 70 Nilpeter India employees and will more than double the current press manufacturing capacity. Starting out as an assembly unit catering to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, the last few years have seen us expand with shipments to Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe. With the new facility and the corporate decision to move all FB-Line production to India, we expect to supply more presses to Europe and the Americas in the near future, Alan Barretto concludes.

Mahindra World City – Green Township
Mahindra World City Chennai, established in 2002, is India’s first integrated business city and IGBC Gold (Stage 1) certified Green Township, i.e. reducing environmental impact by applying efficient land use, habitat preservation and restoration, effective transport management, efficient use of resources, water and energy, etc. Today, Mahindra World City Chennai is a preferred destination of more than 64 transnational companies, like Nilpeter, housing the likes of BMW, Infosys, and Tesa to name a few.

An important strategic milestone
- We are excited to open the new factory in India as this is key to our global manufacturing strategy. Mahindra World City provides the right platform and infrastructure that we were looking for, says Peter Eriksen, Chief Operating Officer, Nilpeter A/S.

- After years of successful operation in India, we have created a highly competent organisation. The team is a very important asset to the support of our global activities within manufacturing and development, Peter Eriksen continues.

- We will continue the development and manufacturing of our popular FB-Line in the Indian factory. The product line has undergone a tremendous progress and been completely modernised with various design and automation features. Moreover, we have developed a number a exciting auxiliary features to complement all Nilpeter product lines, which we believe will be very popular in the global label printing market.

Alan Barretto adds:

- We look forward to working closer with the global Nilpeter family, and invite all our partners and customers to visit the new factory and Technology Center, and experience the new FB-350 and FB-430 presses.


21/9 2018
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