MPS slår salgsrekord på Labelexpo Europe

MPS slår salgsrekord på Labelexpo Europe

Successfuld introduktion af ‘Beyond the Machine’ og den brede hybrid EF SYMJET trykmaskine

MPS reports a rewarding Labelexpo Europe 2019 held September 24-27 in Brussels with surpassing the number of press orders received on show, the successful introduction of the ‘Beyond the Machine’ concept showcasing four key processes that extend beyond the printing press, and debut of a wider EF SYMJET hybrid press that drew crowds during live demonstrations.

Successful presentation ofBeyond the Machine’

In this year’s show, MPS chose to focus not only on machinery, but also on services and processes that provide key support. This was physically displayed by placing a – fully equipped – press in the middle of the stand, surrounded by four ‘islands’: Applications, Service, Productivity and Connectivity.

Inge Smolders, Manager Marketing Communications of MPS explained:

- MPS is known for manufacturing equipment of the highest quality. But instead of packing our stand with machines, we came to Labelexpo Europe with a different message this year: to communicate that we’re much more than just a machine builder.

- By delivering best-in-class Service, guaranteed Productivity, outstanding Applications and up-to-date Connectivity innovations, we prove that an MPS press is only a tool that helps printers achieve the best and complete lifecycle performance from their investment.

Debut of wider EF SYMJET hybrid press

Also unveiled at Labelexpo Europe 2019 was the new, wider version of the hybrid EF SYMJET, an inkjet/flexo platform built with an exclusive partnership with Domino.

The MPS EF SYMJET press is now available in 340 mm/ 13” and 430 mm / 17” widths and can be equipped with multiple flexo units, lamination and embellishing units, die-cutting and many more converting options. During live demonstrations, a combination of nine labels were printed with various embellishments including digital cold foil, hologram- and lenticular 3D effects, de-lam re-lam and micro texts.

Atze Bosma, CEO of MPS:

- Productivity is one of our focus processes that extends Beyond the Machine. With the new 17” width, we are offering our customers higher productivity, more flexibility and the possibility to open new markets and even more options for applications. This is a great addition to our portfolio of flexo, hybrid and offset presses for labelling and packaging.

Record international flexo and hybrid press sales

Labelexpo Europe 2019 concluded in celebration for MPS with a record number of twelve press sales, in a combination of EFS & EFA flexo presses, EXL-Packaging and EF SYMJET hybrid equipment.

Atze Bosma, CEO of MPS proudly said:

- We are extremely pleased with the number of press sales signed during Labelexpo that breaks our previous record. A mix of flexo, hybrid and packaging presses were sold to printers in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America.



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