Bosch lancerer ny udvidet version af Toploading Collator

Bosch lancerer ny udvidet version af Toploading Collator

Bosch præsenterer udvidelse af sin 3D robot platform, hvilket betyder forbedringer i operationerne for robotter til både primær og sekundær emballage (på engelsk)

Bosch Packaging Technology, a supplier of robotic technology for primary and secondary packaging solutions, presents a further enhancement to its proven D3 robotic platform. Since the launch of the new portfolio in 2015, Bosch has committed to improving the operation of its robots for both primary and secondary packaging.

As a result, the latest Presto D3 machine range offers innovative features ensuring non-stop operation. Designed for picking, placing and collating a wide range of food and non-food wrapped products, the upgraded robotic platform gives manufacturers the highest flexibility thanks to its modular design.

- The new jam-prevention feature on our proven Presto platform is designed to improve the ease of machine operation and at the same time, increase the uptime and efficiency of this type of machine. With this customer-focused technology, we underline our commitment to helping enhance their efficiencies and reducing their TCO, said Marc de Vries, sales director of the robotic portfolio at Bosch Packaging Technology.

Modularity and versatility at its peak
In order to answer the customers’ growing need for increased productivity and flexibility, Bosch developed the Presto D3 machine range in several configurations to make it adaptable to different factory and production layouts. Thanks to simple integration with upstream and downstream packaging equipment requirements, the solution is available with one or two infeed conveyors, allowing the products to be picked up, grouped and placed flat or on edge directly into cartons or the infeed chain of a sideload cartoner.

The modular design allows for multiple product and carton types and sizes to be handled on the same machine, like single, dual or twin collators with options for left, center and right-hand entries. By using the latest Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Gemini 4.0 controller, operators can design simulations of new formats without actual products, saving valuable production time. As a result of this enhanced machine versatility and ease of use, customers benefit from increased flexibility and production efficiency.

Proven reliability in a new form
The enhancements are realized at the end of the packaging line. For improved quality protection and accurate filling, the Presto D3 collator is equipped with an air blow ejection system that rejects products which are out of specification. Moreover, for non-stop machine operation, the reject station is followed by the new automatic unjamming device, which is available as a standard feature on the Presto D3 toploader. This way, without any operator intervention, it actively controls product jams, while the machine continues to run at full speed. Ultimately, end-users can enjoy harmonized machine operation and achieve the highest levels of productivity.

Fully modular to increase manufacturing flexibility
All D3 robotic solutions can be easily integrated with both Bosch and third-party primary or secondary packaging machines for simple and modular system automation. The D3 platform has been designed to increase flexibility for small and medium-sized as well as multinational companies. The new portfolio offers flexible and scalable robotic solutions that allow customers to adjust quickly to current production needs and to reach future manufacturing goals.

16/6 2017
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