Slut med at rulle sig i plastik

Slut med at rulle sig i plastik

Mondi har samarbejdet med madrasproducenten Megaflex Schaumstoff om Protector Bag ExpandForm til madrasrulle-indpakning. Den nye emballage er fremstillet af Mondi kraftpapir produceret af vedvarende materialer så den er nem at bortskaffe og genbruge. På engelsk:

Protector Bag ExpandForm replaces the current plastic packaging with a flexible and recyclable alternative. The solution is also customisable and can expand to different sizes while holding the mattress securely.

The packaging is made with Mondi’s kraft paper, which is responsibly sourced and renewable, and can be recycled contributing to a circular economy. The paper bag is puncture resistant and suitable for printing, meaning brands can customise their deliveries with a high-quality finish. Unlike plastic, the paper layers are also breathable and can emit gas that can evaporate easily with this new packaging.

Megaflex Schaumstoff, a family-owned manufacturer for flexible foams and mattresses and sleeping products, is the first company to protect its products with this new packaging. Megaflex collaborated closely with Mondi and machine producer FillMatic to ensure a smooth switch from its current plastic rollpacking equipment.

The collaboration meant that the new solution was quickly up and running and with only a few adaptations to the packaging machinery. Looking forward, Megaflex plans to substitute the full range of plastic rollpacking with paper by the end of 2023 using Mondi’s Protector Bag ExpandForm.

Plastic rollpack wrapping can expand up to 200% in transit, taking up space and potentially deforming outer cardboard packaging. A benefit of Protector Bag ExpandForm meanwhile is that it is dimensionally stable – saving on shipping and storage costs.

Solution ticks both boxes
Fabio Barbieri, Sales Director Paper Bags, Mondi, says:

-Consumers are actively seeking packaging that is responsibly sourced and easy to recycle. This new solution ticks both boxes: it is easier to open and to dispose compared to large rolls of plastic and avoidable packaging used previously. Protector Bag ExpandForm needs no secondary packaging to protect the product and will be stable throughout the whole delivery journey. We are proud to be the first ones to introduce this innovative solution to the market.

 Karsten Löhr, Managing Director, Megaflex Schaumstoff says:

-The Protector Bag ExpandForm is a perfect fit for our mattresses and the plastic saving we estimate is significant - over 18 tonnes every year! The paper packaging is appreciated by our customers, and a big step forward in our sustainability journey, and thanks to our good partnership with Mondi we can use more sustainable packaging, that positively contributes to our sustainability commitments.”

Mondi will be showcasing the Protector Bag ExpandForm and other innovative solutions tailored to the mattress, bedding and upholstery industry at interzum in Cologne Germany, from 09 to 12 May 2023.


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