Charapak udvider indsatsen for at nå nye markeder med Dominos digitale ink jet etikettrykmaskine, N610i (på engelsk)

" /> Charapak udvider indsatsen for at nå nye markeder med Dominos digitale ink jet etikettrykmaskine, N610i (på engelsk)

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Digitalt ink jet tryk til bølgepap

Digitalt ink jet tryk til bølgepap

Charapak udvider indsatsen for at nå nye markeder med Dominos digitale ink jet etikettrykmaskine, N610i (på engelsk)

Charapak, der er baseret i Derbyshire er designer, producent og leverandør af special bølgepapemballage.

Virksomheden har for nylig taget et målrettet skridt for at forbedre sine muligheder som leverandør på etiketmarkedet. Man har nemlig investeret i Dominos digitale ing jep etikettrykmaskine N610i.

Det er en investering som åbner nye forretningsmuligheder for virksomheden og gør det mulight at forsyne både eksisterende og nye kunder med digitalt trykte etiketter i høj kvalitet og med kort levering.

First established as a corrugated packaging company in 1980, Charapak now has 127 employees operating across four business units with an annual turnover of approximately £13 million.

Their core business utilises their award-winning flexo post print and litho-laminating processes to produce specialist corrugated packaging, promotional displays and retail ready packaging.

After expanding into integrated fulfilment and specialist coated packaging, Charapak Labels is the latest business unit to be created within The Charapak Group. The company serves both domestic and international customers in the industrial, food and drink, automotive, retail and e-commerce market sectors.

From over 200 entries, Charapak was delighted to be recently awarded the prestigious ‘Company of the Year’ award in the 2015 Derby Telegraph Business Awards.

When a long-standing customer enquired about the possibility of Charapak supplying digitally printed labels, the company recognised an exciting new business opportunity.

- This was our chance to broaden our service offering beyond corrugated packaging and capitalise on the vast potential of the digital labels market. We set out to find the right digital print supplier that we could partner with. explains Richard Smith, Owner and Managing Director of Charapak.

He continues:

- Charapak operates to three core business principles: quality, innovation and flexibility. We look for these attributes in any supply partner we work with. After an intensive review of the different print technologies available during which print quality, productivity, colour vibrancy, durability and cost of ownership were all assessed, followed by a further evaluation of the shortlisted suppliers in terms of their commercial stability, accessibility and the level of service support they could provide, we decided that Domino was the company that could deliver on all fronts.

For Richard, the ability to visit and conduct a series of trials at Domino’s headquarters in Cambridge was instrumental in ascertaining that the N610i digital ink jet label press was able to address three key requirements for them.

Ease of operation was crucial, as Charapak was venturing into a new market and so required a system that was easy to operate and understand. It needed to be productive and in this respect the N610i exceeded expectations with its high production speeds. In addition, the capability to print long-lasting, durable labels was vital for their customer.

Michaela Smith, Business Manager for Charapak Labels, comments:

- Our customer was previously having their labels flexo printed and were carrying huge amounts of stock on the shelf and were spending a lot of money on inventory, storage and obsolescence. We realised that the way forward was for short run, digitally printed labels that would lift their print from mediocre to outstanding, and that’s exactly what we’ve done!” We decided on the six colour N610i because it was extremely important for us and our customer that the colours were vibrant and that they ‘jumped off the print’. We have found that the quality of the labels printed on the Domino is outstanding compared to what we previously had.

Michaela continues:

- The key benefits in using the Domino press are its productivity, the quality, and the durability of the labels that are absolutely first class. Our customer now has zero inventory, lack of obsolescence and we print to order – they are very happy.

The digital press has helped Charapak transform its business by exploring new territories, concludes Richard.

- It’s been a great learning curve for us, but already we’re really happy with our decision to partner with Domino. The support and service we have received has been second to none and we would have no hesitation in recommending Domino to anyone who asks us, or have any hesitation in making the same decision again. With the continued support from Domino, we’re expecting impressive business growth.


26/1 2016
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