Bosch klar  med bæredygtige løsninger

Bosch klar med bæredygtige løsninger

Bosch introducerer ny generation af dampgeneratorer og distillationsenheder som optimerer performance og energieffektivitet (på engelsk)

Bosch Packaging Technology has developed a new generation of pure media systems with optimized performance and energy efficiency, including pure steam generators and distillation units for the production of sterile, pyrogen-free pure steam or WFI (water for injection).

- We contribute to a significantly more efficient production of pure media and to more sustainability in the pharmaceutical industry, says Dr John Medina, sales director at the Bosch subsidiary Pharmatec. For instance, the preheater reduces heating energy consumption by up to 30 percent.

Focus on energy efficiency and sustainability

Pure steam and WFI are key components of pharmaceutical production. While WFI is predominantly needed for the production of infusion and injection solutions, pure steam is mainly used for sterilizing equipment components like preparation vessels, piping systems and filling machines. In addition, pure steam is employed for the humidification of air in cleanrooms.

Bosch delivers the new distillation units with a preheater by default. From the second column onwards, it uses pure steam from the previous column to preheat the feed water. As a result, heating energy demand is significantly reduced.

For pure steam generators, a preheater is available as an option. It is fed with condensate from the heating steam. Using this stored energy leads to reduced heating steam consumption.

High thermal efficiency and reduced blowdown

Evaporation is a basic operation in the production of pure steam and WFI. The equipment’s evaporator operates according to the proven natural circulation principle. The water, which is fed for evaporation, continually circulates between the evaporation chamber and the heat exchanger. A high thermal transfer enables the system to be heated up smoothly without causing temperature stress for the evaporator. This process only needs electrical energy or heating steam; no further process steps or functional modules such as a compressor are required.

- The new, compact design of the evaporator contributes to optimal thermal use of heating energy, leading to high yields and low operating costs, explains Medina.

- Since the production of pure steam and WFI is particularly energy-intensive, improvements in efficiency play an important role in sustainability and climate protection.

The geometry of both evaporators and condensers has been optimized for the new product range. For instance, Bosch adjusted the evaporator’s diameter as well as number and formation of the heating pipes.

Subsequently, the machines can achieve 20 percent higher performance rates compared to previous models. Bosch also succeeded in reducing the amount of water loss, which results from the disposal of endotoxins (blowdown) in the feed water, from between five and eight to no more than four percent.

From 100 to 7,500 kilograms per hour

With these new developments, Bosch has streamlined the product range, compiling a consistent set of machines. The number of different sizes was reduced from eleven to six pure steam generators and from fourteen to ten distillation units.

- Customers profit from shorter delivery times, lower acquisition costs due to a higher degree of standardization and modularization, says Medina.

The series now encompasses a performance range of 100 to 7,500 kilograms per hour. In order to enable quick set-up, feed water pumps with frequency regulation are used for all sizes. The equipment can be further adapted to the respective operating conditions.


19/4 2016
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