Automatisk system styrker logistikken

Automatisk system styrker logistikken

Det hollandske kødpakkeri, ProMessa BV har automatiseret sin interne logistik med en IT-løsning fra CSB- Automation og SCB-System (på engelsk)

The new system is helping ProMessa BV meet the needs of its customers more efficiently, with a delivery performance of over 99 percent, and therefore enhance its market position.

With the CSB solution, the entire materials flow at ProMessa has been automated – from packaging following production, to storage and picking, and loading onto trucks. In the past, goods and crates were moved manually, whereas today, state-of-the-art robotic technology, conveyor systems, sorters and the CSB software work seamlessly together to get the job done.

The software organises and monitors a network of machines, including two automatic crate storages, robot units, four automatic weigh labelling lines with connected sorters, a dispatch warehouse and a conveyor system.

Integrated production scheduling ensures precise tuning of workflows in terms of time and quantity.  Any important details, such as up-to-date order, production and inventory data, are captured and processed in real time.  This high degree of networking facilitates fast and error-free processes and enormous productivity.

- We deliver a vast range of products to about 1,200 supermarkets, explains ProMessa’s Managing Director Harold Rouweler.

- The logistics system helps us to pick and deliver even small quantities in an efficient manner. Our customers can order any item even on short notice. Everyone who places their orders in time usually will receive the goods on the very same day. We have nearly doubled our output – sometimes to more than 100,000 packages per day, he continues.

- We would never have achieved such growth rates without the new logistics system, which was established in the existing buildings without any major staff increase.

In accordance with the company’s FIFO policy (first in, first out), the software from CSB-System constantly reorganises the warehouse by re-stacking the plastic storage containers. Next, it groups together order data, products and containers, before supplying them to the picking lines for weigh labelling.

It also calculates quantities and volumes, necessary material flows and optimal conveyor tracks for loading the trucks. At special CSB-Racks, staff can easily see which order is being processed, which products and quantities belong to what order, and which labels need to be attached.

- Our staff at the sorters can handle numerous orders in parallel without any errors, and pick items directly for the dispatch crates, says Harold Rouweler.

- The work stations have an ergonomic design, avoiding unnecessary motion. As a result, we can process our large variety of products in an efficient manner, irrespective of the quantities ordered by our customers. The order quantity virtually has no effect anymore on the logistics costs.

The entire intralogistics system was designed to offer a high level of productivity and flexibility.  For example, the high-performance despatch warehouse secures optimal picking of customer orders with the CSB-System generating individual sub-orders, depending on the availability of the goods.  The four weigh labelling lines are capable of compiling between 5,000 and 7,500 packages per hour in mixed containers, depending on the order structure.

ProMessa can now also respond even quicker to reorders without having to build up large stocks. Daily deliveries to customers can be realised even with very short order lead times.  The delivery performance is currently over 99 percent.

- This project has demonstrated the importance of choosing the right partners for the technical advancement of our production facilities,” concludes Harold Rouweler. “CSB-System and CSB-Automation are valuable partners for us because they always contribute new ideas and develop innovative, practical solutions that enhance our competitiveness sustainably.


13/1 2017
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