Chili publish udstiller i Kina
På messen K-Print i Korea udstiller firmaet Chili punlish sine løsninger, der gør digital publishing nemmere og mere intuitiv og mere effektiv for de asiatiske kunder (på engelsk)
As part of the company’s growth and success in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) market, CHILI publish has announced that the company will exhibiting at the upcoming K-Print Week, taking place August 31 – September 3, 2016 at KINTEX, the Korea International Exhibition Center in Goyang, Korea.
K-Print Week is the biennial tradeshow of the Korean Print Industry, bringing together leading providers of printing machinery, labeling, packaging and digital print solutions. From booth number K152, CHILI publish will highlight their growth in the APAC region, and will demonstrate new functionality in CHILI publisher 5.0, including that new support for Asian languages.
- Earlier this year, CHILI Publish enlarged their presence in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) market by establishing an office in Asia and recruiting a team of experienced sales and distribution partners from the region. After setting this foundation, we then introduced support for Asian languages in the most recent update of our signature technology, the CHILI publisher online editing solution.
- With these significant accomplishments behind us, we come to K-Print in a strong position to bring the power of CHILI publish to more printers, brand owners, advertisers and marketers in Asia. With the first Korean customers on board, the future looks promising for us and we look forward to further demonstrating how our solution can enhance the way their products are customized, produced and distributed in the APAC market, says Kevin Goeminne, CEO of CHILI publish.