KHS viser nyt system til sekundæremballering af dåser på Interpack

KHS viser nyt system til sekundæremballering af dåser på Interpack

The KHS Group will be presenting pioneering technologies for primary and secondary packaging at the trade show in Düsseldorf, Germany. A new can packaging system will form the centerpiece of the KHS booth.

- As a specialist for packaging equipment we’re constantly further developing our systems and solutions with the aim of saving on materials and providing efficiency in operation. Here, we take all packaging materials into account – whether these be plastic, cardboard or paper, says Dr. Johannes T. Grobe, CSO for the Dortmund engineering company.

- In this way the KHS Group wants to continue to consolidate its position as a reliable partner for flexible and future-proof packaging systems.

At interpack the systems supplier will thus be presenting turnkey systems which satisfy customer demands for packaging alternatives that are both economical and environmentally friendly. The focus of interpack 2020 will be on a new development in secondary packaging that, according to Grobe, 'usefully supplements the KHS packaging portfolio and thus further strengthens it.'

This format can replace the shrink film used to package packs of 12 or 24 containers for transportation. The first stage in this new project has been successfully completed together with a big, international beverage producer.

With this further development KHS wants to help its customers to save more CO2 in the production process and the packaging itself and in this way reduce their overall ecological footprint. The tried-and-tested Nature MultiPack already constitutes an ecofriendly system with a carrying handle that completely does away with the need for shrink film by holding the containers firmly together with easy-to-remove dots of adhesive.

Further development boosts process reliability

An intelligently controlled KHS palletizer with a pressureless container infeed provides benefits not just regarding sustainability. It also optimizes time sequences and simplifies work steps in production, among other things.

Besides especially gentle pack handling the elimination of railings facilitates and shortens format changeovers. This noticeably increases line availability.

The palletizer is of particular interest to customers specialized in the palletizing of non-returnable packs and cartons with different formats and who often feed in packs alternately on one, two or three lanes. The machine can also be used for returnable containers.

KHS services extend machine service lives

KHS is also continuing to build on its consulting expertise in the service sector, for instance concerning ‘old’ machines with discontinued components with the aim of extending the machine’s service life. Unlike mechanical components, in the age of Industry 4.0 the lifetime of an electronic component is sometimes shortened to just two years according to the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association VDMA.

- Our various services enable our customers to operate their plant engineering reliably in the long term regardless, explains Dr. Grobe.

If a component is discontinued, this means that parts can be replaced accordingly or conversions carried out to ensure that the machine continues to function and operation runs smoothly at the respective beverage producer’s plant.

For instance, older KHS palletizers containing discontinued KUKA KRC2 control units can be operated without any problems for many more years by converting them to new controllers. The supply of spare parts is therefore also ensured.


KHS will be at interpack from May 7 to 13, 2020, in Hall 13, Booth A31.

5/3 2020
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