To nye MPS-trykmaskiner til norsk trykkeri

To nye MPS-trykmaskiner til norsk trykkeri

Growing market in Scandinavia results in two additional MPS flexo presses for Skipnes Etikett who installed their third MPS press and purchased their fourth shortly after. Purchased were two MPS EF 430 multi-substrate flexo presses

Founded in 1969, Skipnes is a printer in Norway, and the most northern narrow-web printer in Europe. Their product includes primarily of food labels but also logistics, technical and beer/wine labels in addition to flexible packaging.

Turnover for Skipnes in 2017 was approximately 7 million euros, and a profit before taxes of 5%. With a total of 24 people employed, this makes an impressive turnover per employee of nearly 300.000 euros.

First flexo press in Norway with over 8 printing stations

Skipnes bought their first MPS flexo press in 2004, a second in 2007, and their third MPS press was recently installed at headquarters in Trondheim.

Roald Skipnes, Administrative Director of Skipnes Etikett AS’ parent company Skipnes Holding AS comments:

- Our experience with MPS since 2004 was always positive and their technology has proven very effective with a solid machine construction. During the process of procuring a new press, MPS again offered us the best solution.

The recently installed MPS EF 430 press with APC (Automatic Print Control) package at Skipnes marks the first flexo press in Norway with over 8 printing stations. Skipnes adds:

- This opens a world of new possibilities for us and our customers, with the capability of printing more creative and challenging labels.

To print more complicated label designs, Skipnes’ new EF 430 press is equipped with units for backside printing, adhesive printing, the production of multi-layer labels, finishing with cold foil and lamination, and a sheet cutter.

Fourth investment in MPS

- Being in a market (Scandinavia) that is growing 4 to 10% per year depending on segmentation opens a lot of possibilities for us, adds Skipnes.

- To keep up, we will continue investing in our people and machines, and excelling in marketing and sales.

Before the end of 2018, Skipnes signed an order for their fourth MPS EF 430 press with the APC automation package. This press will be completely custom-built to accommodate their design wishes and experience.

Anton Zhukov, MPS Area Sales Manager responsible for this region explains:

- Skipnes is a forward-thinking company, looking to push technical boundaries of a flexo press to the limits. Speeds of 150-180 meters per minute including die-cutting are normal for this customer.

Skipnes’ new EF 430 flexo press on order is highly automated with the reputable MPS robustness needed for continuous production, but without all the rail units. Zhukov continues:

- During the consultation phase of their fourth press, we had in-depth discussions with Mr. Skipnes about their experience with their existing MPS presses. With such open collaboration, several adjustments were made possible in their fourth press, which I am sure will push the productivity of the machine even further.



About Skipnes Etikett AS

Headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, Skipnes Etikett AS is a part of the Skipnes Group that has been producing adhesive labels since 1969, and continuous traditional printing since 1957. Skipnes Holding AS is the parent company of the Skipnes Group.

Skipnes Holding AS is led by the administrative director Roald Skipnes. He is the second generation in the company that was established by his father, Helge Skipnes, in 1957. Skipnes Holding AS is owned by the siblings Roald and Anita Skipnes, and the CEO of Skipnes Communication AS and Skipnes Labels & Flexibles AS, Geir Hagen.

About MPS

MPS is a worldwide, well-known and high-quality brand of flexo and offset press solutions for label and flexible packaging printers.

By providing extensive knowledge and world-class service to enhance the printing process, MPS helps customers excel.

25/2 2019
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